Qus.1  . The Data in Computer cannot be stored in

Ans.    Monitor

Qus.2  . The First generation of computer contains

Ans.    Vacuum Tube

Qus.3  . The First Generation Computer occupied

Ans.    Large Space

Qus.4  . The Second generation of computer contains

Ans.    Transistor

Qus.5  . The Third generation of computer contains

Ans.    Integrated Circuits

Qus.6  . The Fourth generation of computer contains

Ans.    Micro Processor

Qus.7  . The Keyboard have number of Function Keys

Ans.    12

Qus.8  . The 5.25" Floppy can store data up to

Ans.    1.2MB

Qus.9  . The CD ROM can store data up to

Ans.    700MB

Qus.10  . The computer can understand

Ans.    Machine Level Language

Qus.11  . The Machine level language of

Ans.    0,1

Qus.12  . Operating system is the relationship between user and

Ans.    Machine

Qus.13  . Operating System are of

Ans.    Two Types

Qus.14  . MS- DOS is

Ans.    Single Application Operating System

Qus.15  . Window is

Ans.    GUI (Graphical User Interface)

Qus.16  . MS-DOS is

Ans.    CUI

Qus.17  . Last version of MS DOS 6.22 was in

Ans.    1994

Qus.18  . Internal Command are stored in


Qus.19  . Date in MSDOS is

Ans.    Internal Command

Qus.20  . Dir/P displays the files

Ans.    Page wise

Qus.21  . Dir/W displays the files

Ans.    Widtwise

Qus.22  . D:>REN Abc Try

Ans.    Will change the name of File

Qus.23  . We can make changes in MS DOS file with

Ans.    Edit Command

Qus.24  . MS-DOS was made develped by

Ans.    Microsoft, USA

Qus.25  . The Primary Name in file is Maximum of

Ans.    8 Characters

Qus.26  . The Secondary Name in file is Maximum of

Ans.    3 Characters

Qus.27  . Program to perform Specific Task is

Ans.    Applicating Software

Qus.28  . The ASCII code are

Ans.    128

Qus.29  . 32 Bite is equal to

Ans.    4 Bytes

Qus.30  . A byte consist consists of

Ans.    8 Bits

Qus.31  . A byte consists of

Ans.    4 Nibbles

Qus.32  . Which is not output device

Ans.    Light Pen

Qus.33  . Which is an impact printer

Ans.    Dot Matrix

Qus.34  . Put the odd one out

Ans.    Integral Number

Qus.35  . The bass of binary Number is

Ans.    2

Qus.36  . Which is not an input device

Ans.    Printer

Qus.37  . Which is Volatile memory

Ans.    RAM

Qus.38  . Which is Non-Volatile memory

Ans.    ROM

Qus.39  . Which memory allows to read and write simultaneously

Ans.    RAM

Qus.40  . CPU is the

Ans.    Central Processing Unit

Qus.41  . The Hard Copy can be taken at

Ans.    Printer

Qus.42  . Which is the calculation part of computer

Ans.    ALU

Qus.43  . The Full form of VDU is

Ans.    Visual Display Unit

Qus.44  . What will be the output DEL A*.*

Ans.    Delete the files beginning with A

Qus.45  . Full form of PROM is

Ans.    Programmable Read Only Memory

Qus.46  . Full form of ALU

Ans.    Arlthmetie Logical Unit

Qus.47  . Full form of MSDOS is

Ans.    Microsoft Disk Operating System

Qus.48  . DESKTOP in Windows is

Ans.    First screen of Windows

Qus.49  . My Network Places shows

Ans.    All computer connected to Computer

Qus.50  . Recycle Bin stores

Ans.    All deleted files from Windows

Qus.51  . Folders are made in

Ans.    Windows

Qus.52  . Renaming Files and Folder

Ans.    Right Click on Files and Folder

Qus.53  . My Computer shows

Ans.    All status/Drives of Computer

Qus.54  . Internet explorer is at

Ans.    Desktop

Qus.55  . Paint is present in

Ans.    Accessories

Qus.56  . Icon is

Ans.    Pictorial form of Executable File

Qus.57  . Group Icons is

Ans.    Collection of Icons

Qus.58  . My Recent Documents display

Ans.    The Recent file opened

Qus.59  . Windows Explorer is like

Ans.    My computer

Qus.60  . We can change the properties of Desktop

Ans.    By clicking right button on Desktop

Qus.61  . The extension name of Paint Brush file is

Ans.    .BMP

Qus.62  . The extension name of NotePad is

Ans.    .TXT

Qus.63  . The extension of Word Pad is

Ans.    .RTF

Qus.64  . We can change the Desktop background from

Ans.    Desktop

Qus.65  . Put the Odd one out

Ans.    Paint

Qus.66  . With Run command we can

Ans.    Run any application

Qus.67  . Status Bar in windows is at

Ans.    Bottom

Qus.68  . Waillpaper of Desktop in change through

Ans.    Desktop

Qus.69  . Taskbar do not have option

Ans.    Show Date

Qus.70  . We search file in

Ans.    Search

Qus.71  . We see the Property of File clicking mouse

Ans.    Right Click of File

Qus.72  . From Control panel we can add new Fonts

Ans.    Fonts

Qus.73  . We can play Movies

Ans.    Windows Media Player

Qus.74  . By default the data/files are stored in

Ans.    My Documents

Qus.75  . The Topmost bar in any application window is the -------- It displays the name of the document or application.

Ans.    Title Bar

Qus.76  . The application has to be selected from ---- in the start menu of to launch the application.

Ans.    Programs

Qus.77  . The deleted files through windwos move to

Ans.    Recycle Bin

Qus.78  . The Toolbar in Word Pad have

Ans.    Command Buttons

Qus.79  . The short cut key of cut is

Ans.    Ctrl+X

Qus.80  . In Paint Cut in used

Ans.    To remove selected part from one location

Qus.81  . In Paint we can come to the Previous command

Ans.    Ctrl+Z

Qus.82  . The default setting timing of screen saver in Windows is

Ans.    10 Minutes

Qus.83  . To select complete file in paint is

Ans.    Ctrl+A

Qus.84  . To Keep the line straight in paint is

Ans.    Shift+Line

Qus.85  . The  present at corner of Window is use to

Ans.    Close Window

Qus.86  . The Restore Button at the corner brings the windows to

Ans.    Previous Position

Qus.87  . By pressing Alt+E in Paint

Ans.    Edit Menu is open

Qus.88  . By Pressing F5 in Notepad

Ans.    Current Date and Time appears

Qus.89  . By Word warp in notepad and write

Ans.    The text comes in between Ruler  Line/Margins

Qus.90  . In Notepad tick the odd one out

Ans.    Can Change the color of Text

Qus.91  . In Paint the Flip is present in

Ans.    Image Menu

Qus.92  . The Calculator in Accessory in of

Ans.    2 Types (Standard/Scientific)

Qus.93  . To Come to beginning of line

Ans.    Press Home

Qus.94  . To come to the End of line

Ans.    Press End

Qus.95  . To select complete line of the text

Ans.    Pres Shift +End

Qus.96  . In Paint Edit Color in present in

Ans.    Colors

Qus.97  . Delet file cannot go to Recycle Bin

Ans.    Press Shift+Delete

Qus.98  . The Top Bar of MS-Word is called

Ans.    Title Bar

Qus.99  . Ms-Office do not have

Ans.    Paint

Qus.100  . Ms-Office is

Ans.    Package

Qus.101  . The File of Ms-Word have extension name

Ans.    .DOC

Qus.102  . The file of MS-Excel have extenation

Ans.    .XLS

Qus.103  . The file of Ms-Power point have extenion name

Ans.    .PPT

Qus.104  . We can prepare slides in

Ans.    Ms-Power Point

Qus.105  . In Ms- Word by pressing Ctrl+S we can

Ans.    Save any file

Qus.106  . In Ms-Word we can open file with

Ans.    Ctrl+O

Qus.107  . The Print File in Ms-Word is

Ans.    Ctrl+P

Qus.108  . Chage of Font Colour is donw in

Ans.    Format Menu

Qus.109  . Which of the following is used for Double Line spacing in Ms-Word

Ans.    Ctrl+2

Qus.110  . To bring the text in centre we use

Ans.    Ctrl+E

Qus.111  . Vertical Scrool Bar in Ms-Word in used to

Ans.    Text down to Up

Qus.112  . The Function Key for Spell Check in Ms-Word in

Ans.    F7

Qus.113  . In  Mail-Merge in Ms- Word we can merge

Ans.    Letter Only, Address Only

Qus.114  . In Ms-Word Bold, Italic, Underline is present in

Ans.    Formatting Tool Bar

Qus.115  . Red line in Ms-Word Indicates

Ans.    Spelling Mistakes

Qus.116  . Green Line in Ms-Word indicates

Ans.    Grammar

Qus.117  . Drop Cap is present in

Ans.    Format Menu

Qus.118  . In Ms-Word and Ms-Excel we use replace command with

Ans.    Ctrl+H

Qus.119  . In Ms-Word we change the text to Center with

Ans.    Ctrl+E

Qus.120  . To print system date in Cell in Ms-Excel is

Ans.    =Today ()

Qus.121  . To Print system Time in Cell in Ms-Excel press

Ans.    Ctrl+Shift+:

Qus.122  . A Tool bar in MS-Word in collection of

Ans.    Buttons

Qus.123  . In Ms-Word the landscape of page is in

Ans.    Page Setup

Qus.124  . In Chart of Ms-Excel we see

Ans.    Information

Qus.125  . In Ms-Excel th statndard width of column is

Ans.    8.43

Qus.126  . In Ms Excel the Standrd width of Row is

Ans.    12.75

Qus.127  . In Ms-Excel to select complete column

Ans.    Ctrl+Space Bar

Qus.128  . In Ms-Excel to Select complete Row

Ans.    Shit+Space Bar

Qus.129  . In Ms-Excel to select complete sheet

Ans.    Ctrl+Shift+Space Bar

Qus.130  . In Ms Excel to can sort record in

Ans.    Ascending/Descending

Qus.131  . Where in Ms- Word we can Superscript the text

Ans.    Fonts

Qus.132  . To replace  Text in Ms-Word is

Ans.    Ctrl+H

Qus.133  . In Ms Power Point the slide can

Ans.    rehearse timely

Qus.134  . In Ms-Poer Point to Delete slide go to

Ans.    Edit Menu

Qus.135  . In Ms PowerPoint New Slide is inserted by

Ans.    Ctrl+M

Qus.136  . In Ms Power Point we can see slides by

Ans.    Pressing F5

Qus.137  . In Ms Power Point we change the Slide Layout:

Ans.    Format

Qus.138  . In Ms-Power Point we Transits the slides

Ans.    Slide Sorter

Qus.139  . In Ms Power Point we can change the Slide Color Scheme

Ans.    Format

Qus.140  . The Print preview in Ms-Word/Ms/Excel display

Ans.    View of the Page before Printing

Qus.141  . We can change the layout of page in Ms-Word/Ms-Excel in

Ans.    page steup

Qus.142  . The Page Size of A4 in Ms-Word page setup is

Ans.    8.27x11.69"

Qus.143  . Mail Merging can be done in

Ans.    MS-Word

Qus.144  . to remove Comments in MS-Excel go to

Ans.    Edit/Clear/Comments

Qus.145  . The Full form of MAN is

Ans.    Metropolitan Area Network

Qus.146  . The Full form of LAN

Ans.    Local Area Network

Qus.147  . The Full form of WAN

Ans.    Wide Area Network

Qus.148  . Internet is based in Technology

Ans.    Commupication

Qus.149  . Full form of WWW is

Ans.    World Wide Web

Qus.150  . What is short form of Hypertext Transfer Protocol

Ans.    HTTP

Qus.151  . To Shut Down the Computer is called

Ans.    Shut Down

Qus.152  . Which is not a Browser

Ans.    Window Explorer

Qus.153  . Put the odd out

Ans.    Electrical Wire

Qus.154  . LAN is not a type of Internet

Ans.    TRUE

Qus.155  . FTP is stand for "Folder Transfer Protocol"

Ans.    FALSE

Qus.156  . Internet can be connected through MODEM

Ans.    TRUE

Qus.157  . Topology is not the arrangement of computers

Ans.    FALSE

Qus.158  . Bus Topology/Ring Topolgy/Star Topology are

Ans.    TRUE

Qus.159  . Internet cannot be connected through MODEM

Ans.    FALSE

Qus.160  . MODEM is Modulator Demodulator

Ans.    TRUE

Qus.161  . Network can be done with the help of HUB

Ans.    TRUE

Qus.162  . In Mesh Topology all computers are connected with each

Ans.    TRUE

Qus.163  . In Networking we cannot share the data

Ans.    FALSE

Qus.164  . The area in WAN is larger than LAN

Ans.    TRUE

Qus.165  . The data is Fibre Optic cable is slow

Ans.    FALSE

Qus.166  . Networking can be done Wireless

Ans.    TRUE

Qus.167  . Internet can be connected with the Telephone through

Ans.    TRUE

Qus.168  . Which of the following devices can be used to directly image

Ans.    OCR

Qus.169  . The output quallty of a printer is measured by

Ans.    Dot per sq.Inch

Qus.170  . In analog computer

Ans.    Input is never converted to digital form

Qus.171  . In latest generation computers, the Instructions are executed

Ans.    Both sequentially and parallel

Qus.172  . Who designed the first elecvtronics computer-ENIAC?

Ans.    Jr. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly

Qus.173  . Who invented the high level language?

Ans.    Denis M.Ritchle

Qus.174  . Personnel who design, program, operate and maintain computer equipment refers to

Ans.    People ware

Qus.175  . When did arch rivals IBM and Apple Computers Inc. decide to join hands?

Ans.    1991

Qus.176  . Human beings are referred to as Homospinens, which devic is called sillico sapiens?

Ans.    Computer

Qus.177  . An error in software or hardware is called a bug. What is the alternative computer jargon for it?

Ans.    Glitch

Qus.178  . Modern computer are very reliable but they are not

Ans.    Infallible

Qus.179  . What is the name of the display feature that highlights are of the screen which requires operator attention?

Ans.    Reverse video

Qus.180  . IMB launched its first personal computer called IBM-PC in 1981. It had chips from Intel, disk drives from Tandon, operating system from Microsft, the printer from Epson and the application software from evderywhere. Can you name the country which contribu

Ans.    Talwan

Qus.181  . Personal computer use  a number of chips mounted on a main

Ans.    Motherboard

Qus.182  . IN most IBM PCs, the CPU, the device drives, memory expansion

Ans.    Motherboard

Qus.183  . What is meant by a dedicated computer?

Ans.    Which is assigned one and only one task

Qus.184  . The system unit of a personal computer typically contains all of the

Ans.    Modem

Qus.185  . A computer program that converts an entlre program into machine language is called a/an

Ans.    Compiler

Qus.186  . A computer program that tranalantes one program instructions at a time into machine language is called a /a

Ans.    Interpeter

Qus.187  . A small or intelligent device is to called because it countains with it a

Ans.    Sensor

Qus.188  . UNIVAC is

Ans.    Universal Automatic Computer

Qus.189  . CD-ROW stands for

Ans.    Compact Disk Read Only Memory

Qus.190  . ALU is

Ans.    Arithmetic Logic Unit

Qus.191  . VGA is

Ans.    Video Graphics Array

Qus.192  . IBM 1401 is

Ans.    Second Generation Computer

Qus.193  . MSI stands for

Ans.    Medium Scale Integrated Circuits

Qus.194  . The capacity of 3.5 inch floppy disk is

Ans.    1.44 MB

Qus.195  . The first computer introduced in Nepal was

Ans.    IBM 1401

Qus.196  . WAN stands for

Ans.    Wide Area Network

Qus.197  . MICR stands for

Ans.    Magnetic Ink Character Reader

Qus.198  . EBCDIC stands for

Ans.    Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code

Qus.199  . BCD is

Ans.    Binary Coded Desimal

Qus.200  . ASCII stands for

Ans.    American Standard Code for Information

Qus.201  . Which of the following is first generation of computer

Ans.    EDSAC

Qus.202  . Chief eomponent of first generation computer was

Ans.    Vacuum Tube and Valves

Qus.203  . FORTRAN is

Ans.    Formula Translation

Qus.204  . EPROM stand for

Ans.    Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only

Qus.205  . Second Generation computers were develped during

Ans.    1956 to 1965

Qus.206  . The computer size was very large is

Ans.    First Generation

Qus.207  . Microprocessors as switching devices are for which generation

Ans.    Fourth Generation

Qus.208  . The ALU of a computer responds to the commands coming from

Ans.    Control section

Qus.209  . The act of retrieving existing data from memory is called

Ans.    All of above (Read out, Read from, Read)

Qus.210  . All modern computer operate on

Ans.    Date

Qus.211  . Instructions and memory address are represented by

Ans.    Binary code

Qus.212  . Which of the following code used in present day computing was

Ans.    EBCDIC Code

Qus.213  . What is the latest write once optical storage media?

Ans.    CD-ROM disk

Qus.214  . The most important advantage of a video disk is

Ans.    Potential capacity

Qus.215  . What is the number of read write heads in the drive for a 9-trac magnetic tape?

Ans.    9

Qus.216  . Before a disk drive can access any sector reocrd, a computer program has to provide the record's disk address, What information does this address specify?

Ans.    All of the above (Track number, Sector number, Surface number)

Qus.217  . As compared to diskettes, the hard disks are

Ans.    More expensive

Qus.218  . Floppy disks which are made from fiexble plastic material are also called?

Ans.    Diskettes

Qus.219  . Regarding a VDU, Which statement is more correct?

Ans.    It is a peripheral device

Qus.220  . What is the name of the computer terminal which gives paper

Ans.    Hard Copy terminal

Qus.221  . Dot matrix is a type of

Ans.    Printer

Qus.222  . The two kinds of main memory are

Ans.    ROM and RAM

Qus.223  . A kind of serial dot matrix printer that forma characters with

Ans.    Ink-jet printer

Qus.224  . Which printer is very commonly used for desktop publishing?

Ans.    Laser Printer

Qus.225  . An output device that uses words or messages recorded on a

Ans.    Voice response unit

Qus.226  . Which of the following will happen when data is entered into a

Ans.    It will erase the previous content

Qus.227  . A storage area used to store data to a compensate for the difference in speed at which the different units can handle data is

Ans.    Buffer

Qus.228  . Number of bits per symbol used in Baudot code is

Ans.    5

Qus.229  . What is the main difference between DDCMP and SDLC?

Ans.    DDCMP does not need special hardware to final the beginning of a message

Qus.230  . An example of digital rather than analog, communication is

Ans.    DDS

Qus.231  . Terminals are required for

Ans.    real-time, Time sharing & message switching

Qus.232  . The channel in the data communication model can be

Ans.    Any of the above

Qus.233  . A data terminal serves as an

Ans.    Both & a and b ( Effector, sensor)

Qus.234  . Which of the following transmission systems provide the highest

Ans.    Computer bus

Qus.235  . A protocol is a set of rules governing a time sequence of events

Ans.    Between peers

Qus.236  . A remote batch processing operation in which data is solely input

Ans.    Simplex lines

Qus.237  . A band is alwqays equivalent to

Ans.    A bit

Qus.238  . Communiction circuits that transmit data in both directions but

Ans.    A half duplex mode

Qus.239  . In communication satellie, multiple repeaters are known as

Ans.    Transponders

Qus.240  . While transmitting odd parity coded symbols, the number of zeros in each symbol is

Ans.    Unknown

Qus.241  . Data communications monitors available on the software marked include

Ans.    ENVIRON/1

Qus.242  . An example of analog communication method is

Ans.    All of the above (laser beam, microwave, voice grad telephone line)

Qus.243  . Which data communication method is used to tranamlt the data over a serial communication link?

Ans.    Full duplex

Qus.244  . What is the minimum number of wires needed to send data over a serial communieation link layer?

Ans.    2

Qus.245  . Which of the following types of channels moves data relatively slowly?

Ans.    Voice band channel

Qus.246  . A communications device that combines transmissions from several I/O devices into one line is a

Ans.    Multiplexer

Qus.247  . In a synchronous modem, the digital-to-analog converter transmits

Ans.    Equlizer

Qus.248  . Which of the following is considered a broad band communication

Ans.    All of the above ( coaxial cable, fiber optics cable, microwave circuits)

Qus.249  . Which of the following is not a transmission medium?

Ans.    Modem

Qus.250  . Which of the following is an advantage to using fiber optics data

Ans.    All of above (resistance to data theft, fast data tr4ansmission rate, low noise level)

Qus.251  . Which of the following is required to communicate between two

Ans.    all of above including access to transmission

Qus.252  . In OSI network architecture, the dialogue control and token

Ans.    Session layer

Qus.253  . In OSI network architecture, the routing is performed by

Ans.    Network layer

Qus.254  . Which of the following performa modulation and demodulation?

Ans.    Modem

Qus.255  . The process of converting analog singnals into digital algnals so they can be processed by a receiving computer is referred to as:

Ans.    Digitizing

Qus.256  . How many OSI layers are covered in the X.25 standard?

Ans.    Three

Qus.257  . Layer one of the OSI model is

Ans.    Physical layer

Qus.258  . Which of the following communication modes support two way traffic but in only one direction at a time?

Ans.    Half duplex

Qus.259  . Which of the following is not valid version of MS Office?

Ans.    Office Vista

Qus.260  . You cannot close MS word application by

Ans.    From file menu choose Close submenu

Qus.261  . The key F 12 opens a

Ans.    Save as Dialog Box

Qus.262  . What is the short cut key to open the open dialog box?

Ans.    Ctrl+F12

Qus.263  . A feature of MS Word that saves the document automatically after certain interval is available on

Ans.    Save Tab on Option dialog box

Qus.264  . Where can you find the horizontal split bar on MS Word screen?

Ans.    On the taop of vertical scroll bar

Qus.265  . Which of the following is not available on the Ruler of MS Word screen

Ans.    Center Indent

Qus.266  . What is place to the left of horizontal scrool bar?

Ans.    View buttons

Qus.267  . Which file starts MS Word?

Ans.    Winword .exe

Qus.268  . How many ways you can save a document?

Ans.    3

Qus.269  . If you want to keep track of different editions of a document which  features will you use?

Ans.    Versions

Qus.270  . Background color or effects applied on a document is not visible in

Ans.    Print Preview

Qus.271  . What is a portion of a document in which yhou set certain page formatting options?

Ans.    Section

Qus.272  . Borders can be applied to

Ans.    All of above (Cells, Paragraph,Text)

Qus.273  . Which of the following is not a type of page margin?

Ans.    Center

Qus.274  . What is the default left margin in word 2003 document?

Ans.    1.25"

Qus.275  . What is gutter margin?

Ans.    Margin that is added to the binding side of page when printing

Qus.276  . Portrait and landscape are

Ans.    Page Orientation

Qus.277  . If you need to change the typeface of a document, which menu will you choose?

Ans.    Format

Qus.278  . Which of the following is not a font style?

Ans.    Superscripts

Qus.279  . Pressing F8 key for three times selects

Ans.    A Sentence

Qus.280  . What happens if you press Ctrl+Shift+F8?

Ans.    It activate the rectangular selection

Qus.281  . How can you disable extended selection mode?

Ans.    Press Esc to disable

Qus.282  . What does EXT Indicator on status bar of Ms Word indicate?

Ans.    It indicatees whether extended selection mode is turned on or off

Qus.283  . What is the maximum number of lines you can set for a drop cap

Ans.    10

Qus.284  . What is the default number of lines to drop for drop cap

Ans.    3

Qus.285  . What is the shortent key you can press to create a copyright symbol

Ans.    Alt+Ctrl+C

Qus.286  . How may columns can you insert iin a word document in maximum

Ans.    45

Qus.287  . What is the smallest and largest forn size available in Fornt Size tool on formatting toolbar

Ans.    8 and 72

Qus.288  . A character that is raised and smaller above the baseline in known as

Ans.    Superscript

Qus.289  . What is the purpose of inserting header and footer in document

Ans.    To allow page header and footers appear on document when printed

Qus.290  . What is the following function key activates the speeler

Ans.    F7

Qus.291  . The minimum number of rows and columns in MS Word document is

Ans.    1 and 1

Qus.292  . Thesaurus tool in Ms word is used for

Ans.    Synonyms and Antonyms words

Qus.293  . Why Drop Caps are used in document

Ans.    To begin a paragraph with a large dropped initial capital letter

Qus.294  . A bookmark is an item or location in document that you identify as a man for future reference. Which of the following task is accomplished by using bookmarks?

Ans.    To quickly jump to specific location in document

Qus.295  . What happens when you click on insert>>Clip Art

Ans.    It open Clip Art taskbar

Qus.296  . What opetion is not available in Insert Table Autofit behavior?

Ans.    Autofit to Column

Qus.297  . To autofit the width of column

Ans.    Double click the right border of column

Qus.298  . From which menu you can insert Hearder and Footer?

Ans.    Insert

Qus.299  . After typing header text, how can you quicly enter footer text?

Ans.    Click on Switch between Header & Footer then type the text

Qus.300  . When inserting page number in footer it appeared 1 but you wish to show a. How can you do that?

Ans.    Click on page number format tool and specify required setting

Qus.301  . Which of the following statement is false?

Ans.    You can set different header and footer for last

Qus.302  . Where can you change the vertical alignment?

Ans.    Page setup dialog box

Qus.303  . To get to the 'Symbol' dialog box, click on the ----- menu and

Ans.    Insert

Qus.304  . Which of the following symbol sets would be most likely to contain

Ans.    Symbol

Qus.305  . Auto Correct was originalloy designed to replace ----- word as

Ans.    Misspelled

Qus.306  . Which of following is the second step in creating a macro?

Ans.    Assign a keyboard shortcut to the macro

Qus.307  . In which, the malling list is known as the---

Ans.    Data Source

Qus.308  . Which of the following is not one of the three 'Mail Merge Helper' steps?

Ans.    Set the mailing list parameter

Qus.309  . Which of the following button will allow you to add, delete or change records in your data source?

Ans.    Edit data source button

Qus.310  . It is possible to ---- a data source before perfoming a merge.

Ans.    All of the above (Create, Modify, Sort)

Qus.311  . What is the default font size of a new Word document bassed on normal template?

Ans.    12 pt

Qus.312  . What is the default forn used in Ms Word document?

Ans.    Time New Roman

Qus.313  . If you need do double underline a word, how will you do that?

Ans.    Select the text then choose format>>font and on font tab open Underline style and choose double underline

Qus.314  . What is the short cut key to open font dialog box?

Ans.    Ctrl+D

Qus.315  . How can you access the font size tool on formatting toolbar?

Ans.    Ctrl+Shift+P

Qus.316  . How can you make the selected character supersripted?

Ans.    Ctrl+Shift+=

Qus.317  . What does Ctrl+= key effect?

Ans.    Subscript

Qus.318  . What happens if you mark on hidden check box of font dialog box

Ans.    The text is hidden and you need to bring it by

Qus.319  . How can you increase the font size of selected text by one point

Ans.    By pressing Ctrl+]

Qus.320  . Which of the following line spacing is invalid?

Ans.    Triple

Qus.321  . How can you apply exactly the same formatting you did to another text?

Ans.    Select the text then click on format painter and select the new text

Qus.322  . What should you do if you require pasting the same format in may places

Ans.    Double click the format painter than go on pasting in many places

Qus.323  . On which toolbar can you find Format painter tool?

Ans.    Standard tool bar

Qus.324  . MICR stands for

Ans.    Magnetic Ink Character Reader

Qus.325  . ALU is

Ans.    Arithmetic Logic Unit

Qus.326  . Which of the following items are examples of storage devices?

Ans.    All of the above ( Floppy/hard disk, CD-Roms, Tape devices)

Qus.327  . Which is the type of memory for information that does not change on your computer?

Ans.    ROM

Qus.328  . What type of device is computer keyboard?

Ans.    Input

Qus.329  . Which part of the computer is used for calculating and comparing comparing

Ans.    ALU

Qus.330  . TXT extension fefers usually to what kind of file?

Ans.    Text File

Qus.331  . The arranging of data in a logical sequence is called

Ans.    Sorting

Qus.332  . Which device is used as the standard pointing device in a Graphical User Environment?

Ans.    Mouse

Qus.333  . What do you use to create a chart?

Ans.    Chart Wizard

Qus.334  . Which of the following commands is given to reboot the computer

Ans.    Ctrl+Alt+Del

Qus.335  . The blinking symbol on the computer screen is called the

Ans.    Cursor

Qus.336  . The term PC means

Ans.    Personal Computer

Qus.337  . MS-DOS is the name of a/am

Ans.    System Software

Qus.338  . Transistors are associated with which computer system?

Ans.    Second generation

Qus.339  . What is light pen?

Ans.    Optical output device

Qus.340  . The digital computer was developed primarily in

Ans.    USA

Qus.341  . Which of the following produces the best quality graphics reproduction?

Ans.    Flotter

Qus.342  . In Ms Dos what command you will use to display system date

Ans.    Date command

Qus.343  . Which command create a directory or subdirectory?

Ans.    Mkdir and Md

Qus.344  . Which command displays current directory name or change from one to another

Ans.    Chdir and Cd

Qus.345  . While working with MS Dos which key is used to get the previous command used

Ans.    F3

Qus.346  . FAT stands for

Ans.    File Allocation Table

Qus.347  . The operating system manages

Ans.    All of the above ( Memory, Processor, Disk and I/O devices)

Qus.348  . The operating system of a computer serves as a software interface between the user and the

Ans.    Hardware

Qus.349  . The full form of CUI is

Ans.    Character user interface

Qus.350  . Which one of the following is a shortcut commonly used to switch between programs

Ans.    Alt+Tab

Qus.351  . Output which is made up of pictures, sound and video is BEST described as

Ans.    Multimedia

Qus.352  . The machine which gives answer to request

Ans.    Server

Qus.353  . When we open an internet site we see www. What is the full form of  www?

Ans.    World Wide Web

Qus.354  . Which of the following refers to a small, single site network?

Ans.    LAN

Qus.355  . MAN is a

Ans.    Network

Qus.356  . Portrait and landscape are

Ans.    Page Orientation

Qus.357  . Linked text on Internet is called

Ans.    Hyper text

Qus.358  . Which type of network covers a metropolitan area

Ans.    MAN

Qus.359  . What is full form of SMTP?

Ans.    Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

Qus.360  . What is the form of WWW?

Ans.    World Wide Web

Qus.361  . Which of the following is search engine?

Ans.    All of these ( Yahoo, Google, Rediff)

Qus.362  . Which utillty on internet helps to exchange ideas?

Ans.    Usenet

Qus.363  . Which protocol is used to transfer files from one other on internet?

Ans.    FTP

Qus.364  . OSI stands for

Ans.    Open Systems Interconnection

Qus.365  . Data transfer speed is fastest in

Ans.    LAN (Local Area Network)

Qus.366  . The Large size network is termed as

Ans.    WAN (Wide Area Network)

Qus.367  . Tool on internet to find information

Ans.    Search Engine

Qus.368  . Full form or URL

Ans.    Uniform Resource Locators

Qus.369  . The E-mail you receive can be

Ans.    All of these ( deleted, forwarded, replied)

Qus.370  . The word BCC in E-Mail Stands for

Ans.    Blind Carbon Copy

Qus.371  . A person who sends request on internet is

Ans.    Client

Qus.372  . Which device connects computer to telephone line?

Ans.    Modem

Qus.373  . The Word CC in E Mail Stands for?

Ans.    Carbon Copy

Qus.374  . Utility which helps in sending messages on internet is

Ans.    Electronic Mail

Qus.375  . Protocol is

Ans.    a list of rules for transferring data over a network

Qus.376  . Which one of the following is NOT a network topology?

Ans.    Liner

Qus.377  . Which one of the following is the MOST common internet protocol?

Ans.    TCP/IP

Qus.378  . Automated transactions for the purchase of goods over the Internet is called

Ans.    E-commerce

Qus.379  . How many layers does the OSI model the Open System Interconnection reference model contain?

Ans.    7 layers

Qus.380  . Which function calculates the largest value in a set of number in Excel?

Ans.    Maximum

Qus.381  . To move to the bottom of a document, press

Ans.    Ctrl Key+End Key

Qus.382  . The word function that corrects text as you type is referred to as

Ans.    Auto Correct

Qus.383  . What displays the content of the active cell in Excel?

Ans.    Formula bar

Qus.384  . A presentation means

Ans.    Explaining the utility of products of plan

Qus.385  . Borders can be applied to

Ans.    Cells, Paragraph, Text, All of the above

Qus.386  . Which of the following is not a type of page margin?

Ans.    Center

Qus.387  . In the following formula, what does the represent in the equation=sum(B1:B5)?

Ans.    All numbers between

Qus.388  . What symbol do you through out the spreadsheet?

Ans.    =

Qus.389  . How do you move through out the spreadsheet?

Ans.    click the mouse, press the enter key, press the tab key, all of the above

Qus.390  . What does the Autosome function do?

Ans.    automatically adds a large column of numbers

Qus.391  . When typing formulas in Excel to reference the location of a cell a cell reference may be written as

Ans.    C5

Qus.392  . The primary benefit of using Microsoft Excel is

Ans.    calculating numbers

Qus.393  . How do you delete a worksheet

Ans.    Edit delete sheet, Right click, on the sheet tab, and choose delete

Qus.394  . Special effects used to introduce slides in a presentation are called

Ans.    Transitions

Qus.395  . Where can you find the Draw Table tool button?

Ans.    Tales and Formatting toolbar

Qus.396  . To repeat the table heading in every page

Ans.    From Table menu choose Heading Rows Repeat

Qus.397  . To set equal width for columns we select

Ans.    Distribute Columns Evenly

Qus.398  . When the invention of window95?

Ans.    1995

Qus.399  . Can window 95 run the DOS programs?

Ans.    Yes

Qus.400  . Can DOS application could run by window 95?

Ans.    Yes

Qus.401  . What is the full form of O.L.E.

Ans.    object linking embedding

Qus.402  . Who had invented window 98?

Ans.    Dr.Waston

Qus.403  . It is possible to hide the icons on desktop

Ans.    Yes

Qus.404  . How can we use recycle  bin

Ans.    Delete

Qus.405  . LCD stand for

Ans.    Liquid Crystal display

Qus.406  . USB stand for

Ans.    Universal Serial bus

Qus.407  . You can enter page number from----- menu

Ans.    Insert

Qus.408  . A scanner scans

Ans.    Picture, Text

Qus.409  . Zip drive is used for

Ans.    Backup data

Qus.410  . …… are he raw facts from which …….. Is derived.

Ans.    Data, Information

Qus.411  . Which printers do not use physical impact to transfer character to paper

Ans.    Non-impact

Qus.412  . It is a collection of facts and figures

Ans.    Data

Qus.413  . This act of performing some actions to convert into useful from

Ans.    Processing

Qus.414  . It is type of action to be taken on data

Ans.    Informations

Qus.415  . Which switch school be used in the DIR command to view files in all directories?

Ans.    /s

Qus.416  . Language which can easily interact with the hardware are called

Ans.    Low level language

Qus.417  . Machine language ………..

Ans.    Is the language is which programs were first written,

is the only language understood by the computer,

differs from one type of computer to another,

All of the above

Qus.418  . Assembly language……

Ans.    Uses alphabetic codes in place of binary numbers used in machine language

Qus.419  . Creating from letters using mail merge involves

Ans.    Creating the main document and data source,

            Inserting merge fields in the main document and in merging the main document with the source

            Both B and C

Qus.420  . Header is ……

Ans.    Any text or graphics printed at the top of every page

Qus.421  . In word processing, you manipulate

Ans.    Text

Qus.422  . How can you create a uniform appearance by adding a background image to all slides?

Ans.    Edit the slide master

Qus.423  . What the term used when a clip art image changes the direction of faces?

Ans.    Rotate

Qus.424  . Which is the following should be used when you want to add a slide to an existing presentation?

Ans.    Insert, New Slide

Qus.425  . What a PowerPoint photo album slide show to play continuously?

Ans.    Loop Continuously

Qus.426  . A chart placed a worksheet is called

Ans.    Embedded chart

Qus.427  . You can print

Ans.    A range of cells by range name,

            An entire worksheet,

            A single worksheet,

            All of these

Qus.428  . You can not link excel worksheet data to a word document

Ans.    With the copy and paste buttons on the standard toolbar

Qus.429  . The most commonly used standard data code in electronic data processing system is called?

Ans.    ASCII

Qus.430  . Offline device is?

Ans.    A device which is not connected to CPU

Qus.431  . The process of starting or restarting a computer system by loading instructions from a secondary storage device into the memory is called?

Ans.    Booting

Qus.432  . For combining the contents of the selected cell late a singles cell?

Ans.    Merge cell

Qus.433  . A microsoft excel, you are …………… for calculations?

Ans.    Formula

Qus.434  . A function in excel?

Ans.    is a ready mode formula

Qus.435  . Using zoom you?

Ans.    Can see the spreadsheet more closely,

Can see the spreadsheet more clearly,

Qus.436  . Optional command which allows you to preset your error is called

Ans.    Auto Correct

Qus.437  . You can view all slides continuously by using?

Ans.    Slide show

Qus.438  . What is Internet?

Ans.    A world wide web interconnected network of  computer which use common protocol to communicate with one another

Qus.439  . Each computer connected to the internet must?

Ans.    Have a unique address

Qus.440  . Password is used for?

Ans.    Security

Qus.441  . A Browser is?

Ans.    An application package

Qus.442  . The service that allows the user to answer Internet resources on

Ans.    TELNET

Qus.443  . Which is the address word by business organization?

Ans.    .Com

Qus.444  . DNS is called as?

Ans.    Domain name system

Qus.445  . Download means?

Ans.    Receive data from remote computer

Qus.446  . Upload means?

Ans.    Sending data to remote computer

Qus.447  . What is messenger?

Ans.    Use for chantting & Video calls

Qus.448  . Hyperlink means?

Ans.    A link that is used to go to a particular location

Qus.449  . Various applications and documents are represented on the windows desktop by?

Ans.    Icons

Qus.450  . How many recent document can be shown in the document window?

Ans.    15

Qus.451  . For accessing your networking you will use icon?

Ans.    Network neighborhood

Qus.452  . Which of the following web browsers is the by default Web browser in window?

Ans.    Internet Explorer

Qus.453  . …………… is an animated character that gives help in MS Office?

Ans.    Office Assistant

Qus.454  . Which of the following devices can be used to directly image printed text?

Ans.    OCR

Qus.455  . A computer program that translates one program instructions at a time into machine language is called a/an

Ans.    Interpreter

Qus.456  . A computer program that converts an entire program into machine language is called a/an

Ans.    Compiler

Qus.457  . Anything that is typed in a worksheet appears

Ans.    In both the active cell and formula bar

Qus.458  . The combination of the column letter and row number for a cell in an excel worksheet is called a

Ans.    Cell reference

Qus.459  . Merge cells option can be applied from

Ans.    Format Cells dialog box Alignment Tab

Qus.460  . The autofill feature

Ans.    Extends a sequential series of date

Qus.461  . What is the keyboard shortcut (button or buttons to be pressed) for  creating a chart from the selected cells?


Qus.462  In Normal view, this tab displays the content of each slide

Ans.    Outline   

Qus.463  . In Microsoft Power Point two kind of sound effects files that can be added to the presentation are

Ans.    .wav files and .mid files

Qus.464  . The selected design template can be applied

Ans.    To current slide only,

            To all the slides,

            To all the new presentation you create,

            All of these

Qus.465  . If you want to insert some slides from other presentation into current one choose

Ans.    From insert menu choose slides from files

Qus.466  . To insert slide numbers

Ans.    Insert a new text box and select Insert>>slide Number

Qus.467  . Which of the following are actions you can assign to an action button or slide object?

Ans.    Run a macro,

            Play a sound,

            Hyper link,

            All of these

Qus.468  . Which option in PowerPoint allows to carry slides from one computer to another?

Ans.    Pack and Go

Qus.469  .


Qus.470  . Whan a formatted number does not fit withing a cell, it displays

Ans.    ####

Qus.471  . What symbol is used to enter number as text?

Ans.    '

Qus.472  . To select multiple non adjecent cells in a worksheet you will click them holding

Ans.    Ctrl+key

Qus.473  . The process of identifying specific rows and column so that so that certain columns and rows are always visible on the screen is called

Ans.    freezing

Qus.474  . Which of the following is required when more than one person user a central computer at the same time?

Ans.    Terminal

Qus.475  . Which of the following is used only for data entry and storage, and never for processing?

Ans.    Dumb terminal

Qus.476  . World Wide Web

Ans.    a collection of linked information residing on computer connected by the internet

Qus.477  . A world wide web contains web pages

Ans.    residing in many computers linked together using HTML

Qus.478  . A web page is located using a

Ans.    Uniform Resource Locators

Qus.479  . SGML Stand for

Ans.    Standard Generalized Makup Language

Qus.480  . BCD is

Ans.    Binary Coded Decimal

Qus.481  . Comments can be added to cells using…

Ans.    Insert.>Comment

Qus.482  . Which menu option can be used to split windows into two?

Ans.    Window.>Split

Qus.483  . Getting data from a cell located in a different sheet is called…

Ans.    Referencing

Qus.484  . Which elements of a worksheet can be protected from accidental modification?

Ans.    Contents,



            All of the above


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